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I paid ACS Home Services $7,100 to replace a 2.5 ton AC split system in my house. They tried convincing me to install a 3.5 ton as a replacement. That didn't work but they did convince me to install a 3 ton system.

They did this without doing a heat load calculation for my house that they were required to do as Licensed Contractors if they were going to increase the size of the AC Unit (I didn't know that at the time)

You can select the tab above titled "Emails with ACS" to see all the conversations and see how crooked they are for yourself or click here for the entire email thread with all the messages between me and ACS employees plus the owner Josue Cabrera.

The 3 ton unit was installed and I had extreme humidities (I felt it plus I bought a humidity meter that proved it) in my house which made it very uncomfortable. When I investigated further I realized that they had installed a 3 ton condenser and a 3.5 ton air handler.

I emailed them a picture of the model number of the air handler that showed that it was 3.5 ton.

I asked for them to install a 2.5 ton unit back in my house, but they said they would only replace the 3.5 ton air handler with a 3 ton air handler.

The 3 ton air handler was installed but I still had very high humidities to the point where my toddler and wife got sick.

I started to do some investigations and found out that they didn't pull a permit to replace the AC system when in their quote they specifically said they would.

I told them I needed a 2.5 ton AC unit in my house. 

Longer Version

ACS Home Services (HVAC: CAC1818754) of Tampa, FL replaced the AC system in my home and did many fraudulent and crooked things including:

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Sed quid sentiat, non videtis. Negare non possum. Aliter enim explicari, quod quaeritur, non potest. Id est enim, de quo quaerimus. Si quae forte-possumus. Videamus animi partes, quarum est conspectus illustrior; Illud dico, ea, quae dicat, praeclare inter se cohaerere.

Tu quidem reddes; Bonum negas esse divitias, praeposìtum esse dicis?


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Jane Doe, GrooveMail

John Doe, GrooveKit

Jane Doe, GrooveMember


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